Is online gundog training right for me?

Is online gundog training right for me?

A pure necessity during the Covid pandemic and lockdown, online gundog training has continued to gain traction with handlers over the last few years as online learning platforms and communities still offer numerous benefits to those looking to train their pet or working labradors, spaniels and HPRs.

While it will never fully replace the real thing, you might be wondering if virtual gundog training is right for you and how it can help you train your gundog everything they need to be well-behaved pets and successful working dogs.

In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits and what online gundog training has to offer handlers in a post-lockdown age, the challenges and limitations that anyone considering online gundog training needs to be aware of, and how it can be used effectively alongside in-person one-to-ones, courses, workshops and training days.

Whether you choose to embark on online gundog training after reading this article or not, the key to remember is that, ultimately, the success of your training depends on the level of commitment and dedication you can give. Even with the best in-person and online resources and support, training a well-behaved gundog takes time, patience, and practice. 

Global: Bridging geographic gaps

One of the most compelling benefits of online gundog training is its accessibility for all gundog owners, no matter where in the world they live.

Historically, gundog owners could only train with professionals they were willing and able to travel to.

While it was (and still is) not unheard of for people to drive several hours to train with the right person, for the majority of gundog owners, geographical limitations meant having to make do with whichever professional gundog trainer was closest to them, regardless of their methods or the breed they specialised in.

Although the number of ethical, force-free gundog trainers is increasing in the UK and overseas, many areas of the country and the world are still unserved.

Online training programmes have been revolutionary for those looking to train with these methods who would have found it impossible, impractical or unaffordable to travel regularly to a reputable positive gundog trainer.

It also effectively caters to pet gundog owners who have previously avoided traditional gundog trainers because they didn’t want to work their dogs on a shoot or compete in working tests and field trials. These owners may have instead gone down the scentwork or agility routes, but have in turn missed out on giving their dogs an outlet for their natural hunting and retrieving abilities.

If you have previously struggled to find a gundog trainer near you who trains with the methods you want to use, then online gundog training would be an excellent solution for you and your dog.

Flexible: Training on your schedule

Modern life is often hectic, with many demands on our time. Committing to regular, in-person training sessions can be challenging for individuals with busy schedules.

While some gundog trainers offer flexible rolling courses - that can be joined at any time throughout the year and give you the choice over which sessions you book - the majority of gundog trainers offer fixed six- or eight-week blocks of classes.

Not being able to attend all of the sessions because of other commitments, illness, injury, or a bitch coming into season, not only feels wasteful from a monetary point of view, but it is also often very difficult to catch up with the exercises you might have missed.

Online gundog training offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing gundog owners to train their dogs at times that suit both their personal and professional commitments.

Once you have access to the resources, it is up to you when and where you train. You can pick things up as it suits you and you can progress through the training exercises at your own pace, revisiting challenging sections and spending extra time on behaviours that need more attention if necessary.

This not only means training is more thorough and effective, it is often also less stressful as you can choose to train when you are in the right headspace and not feeling rushed or like you should be somewhere, or doing something else.

If you have previously struggled to fit gundog training around work and family life, then online gundog training would be an excellent solution for you and your dog.

Comprehensive: Resources to suit all learning styles

We all learn in different ways and at different rates and sometimes that can make in-person training classes a real challenge for handlers.

In-person trainers might choose to give students paper handouts, but on the whole, gundog training is very visually and verbally driven.

Instructions about the exercise are usually given once to begin with, and while good gundog training instructors will always ensure that handlers know what they need to do with their dogs, sometimes it is not possible or practical to repeat the exercise over and over again in different written, visual and verbal formats.

Online gundog training platforms, however, offer exactly that. They provide gundog owners with access to a wealth of multimedia content designed to enhance the learning experience.

High-quality videos demonstrating training techniques, step-by-step written tutorials, downloadable guides, interactive webinars and live Q&A sessions are common features.

These resources cater to different learning styles, and can be replayed, rewatched and reread, making it easier for gundog owners to understand and apply the training methods.

If you struggle to learn from verbal instructions alone and like to go over things a few times before you fully understand, then online gundog training would be an excellent solution for you and your dog.

Cost-effective: More bang for your buck

As a hobby for most, gundog training is often considered an ‘unessential’, ‘luxury’ purchase.

And the costs involved can soon add up, especially if you take into consideration the specialist outdoor clothing, training equipment such as leads, whistles and dummies, training and transportation fees.

While online gundog training will not eliminate all these costs, it does offer significant savings for those on a budget.

Typically, a month’s access to a good online training membership will be a modest fee, which is less than most reputable gundog training instructors charge for a one-hour one-to-one training session or group class.

This affordability allows more gundog owners to access professional training without breaking the bank.

Additionally, the ability to revisit training materials as often as needed means that gundog owners get more value from their investment, with increased opportunities to go over things with their dog, reinforcing learning and ensuring long-term success.

If you’re looking to train your gundog in an affordable way, then online gundog training would be an excellent solution for you and your dog.

Challenges: Limitations to online training

Despite its many advantages, online gundog training is not without its drawbacks which need to be considered if you’re wondering if it’s going to be right for you.

One of the most significant limitations is the lack of immediate, hands-on feedback. Normally, when training, a professional gundog training instructor can provide handlers with real-time advice and suggestions, which can be crucial for a dog’s effective learning.

Online training lacks this immediacy, and handler error can potentially lead to dogs repeatedly making mistakes and learning bad habits.

Online training also does not offer access to suitable training grounds. It is true that a lot of gundog basics can be started in the house and practised in the garden. Indeed during lockdown this is what most people were limited to.

But in reality, training a gundog to a good standard requires access to good ground with wildlife scent distractions, cover crops, jumps, water and so on. Unless you have access to your own ground, this is one significant limitation of online training.

Finally, while some dogs do not work well in a group environment and struggle to wait their turn, once the basics have been taught, the majority of gundog owners will want to ensure their dog is happy and able to work alongside others, watching them hunt and retrieve while they are steady.

Unless you have multiple dogs or a group of gundog training friends, this can’t be taught online and you will still need to attend in-person gundog training classes, workshops and training days for your dog to get this experience.

With the limitations of online gundog training in mind you might be thinking that it’s not quite right for you, but remember it does not have to be an all-or-nothing approach. 

Blended learning: The best of both worlds

When it comes to training your gundog everything they need to be well-behaved pets and successful working dogs, a blended learning model that combines online resources with occasional in-person sessions can provide the best of both worlds.

Online gundog training can lay a solid foundation of knowledge and skills, while in-person sessions can offer personalised feedback and hands-on guidance for more complex issues.

That is one of the reasons why all members of the Gundog Trainers Academy online membership can book discounted in-person one-to-one training sessions with Helen Phillips and Jules Morgan.

If you don’t have a trainer near you who uses ethical, force-free methods, you can use the online training resources to teach the foundations and get to a point where you can hold your own, so to speak, in a group without feeling like you need to train your dog in a certain way.

If you think that online gundog training is right for you and your gundog, our online membership will provide you with instant access to a comprehensive library of resources, all designed to help you get off to the best start.

Members receive exclusive access to over 30 tutorials complete with step-by-step instructions (which we like to call recipes), games, and video demonstrations to help you train your gundog. Our tutorials also include plenty of information on the theory and why we are training the particular skills. Tutorials include: 

  • Focus in the environment
  • Going for a bumble
  • Handling skills
  • Placeboards and go-to targets
  • Recall (two parts)
  • Heelwork (two parts)
  • Sit, stay, wait (two parts)
  • Hunting (three parts)
  • Retrieving
  • Automatic stop to movement
  • Focus, self control, steadiness
  • Stop whistle 
  • Introduction to shot
  • Gundog fitness fundamentals
  • Strengthening behaviours and isolating cues
  • The power of grids
  • Final retrieve with hand delivery
  • Progression training
  • Stop to shot
  • Casting and directional retrieves
  • Duration in the hold
  • Foundation waterwork
  • Competition and assessment preparation
  • Retrieving over obstacles

Members also get access to masterclass replays, the private Facebook community and on the first Thursday of each quarter (January, April, July and October) we also host a live Q&A session for our members where you can ask questions and we can help troubleshoot any issues you may be having.

To join today for £42 per month - no contracts, cancel at any time - please click here.



📸 Photographs 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 credit Alice Loder Photography

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